How to create Azure Key Vault using Python

This post describes how to create Azure Key Vault using Python. The Azure Key Vault client libraries for Python offer a convenient interface for making calls to Azure Key Vault.

Prerequisite: Below are the prerequisites for following this post.

1. Azure CLI. Refer below articles to install Azure CLI.

Install Azure CLI on windows
Install Azure CLI on Ubuntu
2. Python 3.6 or later

Create Azure Key Vault using Python

  • Login with Azure CLI
    az login
  • Install required Python Libraries
    pip install azure-identity
    pip install azure-mgmt-keyvault
  • Import required modules
    from azure.identity import AzureCliCredential
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault import KeyVaultManagementClient
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import VaultCreateOrUpdateParameters
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import VaultProperties
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import Sku
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import Permissions
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import AccessPolicyEntry
  • Define Tenant ID and Object ID
    # Define tenant ID and object ID
    # The object ID of a user, service principal or security group
    # in the Azure Active Directory tenant for the vault
    tenant_id = "Tenant_ID"  # Replace with Tenant ID
    object_id = "Object_ID"  # Replace with Object ID of user, service principal etc..
  • Define Subscription ID, ResourceGroup Name, Key vault Name and Key Vault Location
    # Define subscription_id, resource_group_name, keyvault_name and keyvault_location
    subscription_id = "subscription_id"  # Replace with Subscription ID
    resource_group_name = "resource_group_name"  # Replace with Resource Group Name
    keyvault_name = "keyvault_name"  # Replace with Key Vault Name to be created
    keyvault_location = "keyvault_location"  # Replace with KeyVault Location    
  • Get credentials and Obtain the management object for Key Vault
    # Acquire a credential object using CLI-based authentication
    credential = AzureCliCredential()
    # Obtain management object for Key Vault, using the credentials from the CLI login
    keyvault_client = KeyVaultManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)
  • Create Azure Key Vault
    # Create a key vault
    response = keyvault_client.vaults.begin_create_or_update(
                sku=Sku(name="standard", family="A"),
                        permissions=Permissions(keys=["all"], secrets=["all"]),
    key_vault = response.result()
    print(f"Created key vault {} in {key_vault.location} region")
  • Complete Code Snippet to create Azure Key Vault with Python
    from azure.identity import AzureCliCredential
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault import KeyVaultManagementClient
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import VaultCreateOrUpdateParameters
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import VaultProperties
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import Sku
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import Permissions
    from azure.mgmt.keyvault.models import AccessPolicyEntry
    # Define tenant ID and object ID
    # The object ID of a user, service principal or security group
    # in the Azure Active Directory tenant for the vault
    tenant_id = "Tenant_ID"  # Replace with Tenant ID
    object_id = "Object_ID"  # Replace with Object ID of user, service principal etc..
    # Define subscription_id, resource_group_name, keyvault_name and keyvault_location
    subscription_id = "subscription_id"  # Replace with Subscription ID
    resource_group_name = "resource_group_name"  # Replace with Resource Group Name
    keyvault_name = "keyvault_name"  # Replace with Key Vault Name to be created
    keyvault_location = "keyvault_location"  # Replace with KeyVault Location
    # Acquire a credential object using CLI-based authentication
    credential = AzureCliCredential()
    # Obtain management object for Key Vault, using the credentials from the CLI login
    keyvault_client = KeyVaultManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)
    # Create a key vault
    response = keyvault_client.vaults.begin_create_or_update(
                sku=Sku(name="standard", family="A"),
                        permissions=Permissions(keys=["all"], secrets=["all"]),
    key_vault = response.result()
    print(f"Created key vault {} in {key_vault.location} region")      

    Category: Azure

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