Python | Installation from scratch

To get started with Python development first you need to have Python installed in your machine. Let's follow below steps to install Python 3.11.

Download Python 3.11

  • Navigate to and download Python 3.11 executable.
  • python 3.11

    Install Python 3.11

  • Right click on downloaded file and select Run as administrator.
  • Check Add python.exe to PATH and click on Install Now.
  • python 3.11

  • Wait till the installation is complete and than click on Close.
  • python 3.11

    python 3.11

    Verify Installation

  • Open the command prompt and type python --version and you should see Python version in output.
  • python 3.11

    Install module using pip

    Now we have python installed, lets install requests module using pip. Run the below command in command prompt to install the module.

    pip install requests