How to install Python3.9 on CentOS

This post describes how to install Python3.9 on CentOS along with the older versions of Python3. In this example we will install Python3.9 on the CentOS server which is having Python3.6 installed. By following below steps Python3.9 would be installed on the server without impacting existing installation.

Check current Python installations on CentOS server
which python
# Output

python --version
# Output
Python 2.7.5

which python3
# Output

python3 --version
# Output
Python 3.6.8

Python3.9 installation steps:

Step 1: Download the Python Gzipped source file



Step 2: Unpack the .tgz file


tar zxvf Python-3.9.7.tgz


Step 3: Navigate to Python-3.9.7 folder


cd Python-3.9.7/


Step 3: Execute configure script




Step 3: Build the Python3.9 binary



Step 4: Install the Python3.9 binary


sudo make altinstall


Step 5: Verify Python3.9 and previous installations


which python3.9
# Output

python3.9 --version
# Output
Python 3.9.7

which python3
# Output

python3 --version
# Output
Python 3.6.8

which python
# Output

python --version
# Output
Python 2.7.5

Category: Python

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